- Plot synopsis: Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments, but his true love, Jenny Curran, eludes him.
- Star cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise
- IMDB rating: 8.7
- RottenTomatoes rating: 71%
- Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNh9Es8Ut6U
Drinking games:
The rules are extremely simple. While watching the movie “Forrest Gump”, drink any time someone says:
– “Forrest”
– “Bubba”
– “Jenny”
– “Mama”
If you are a badass drink everytime they say the the above words and the words “lieutenant dan”, “alabama”, and every time Forrest kicks someone’s ass.
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